PDX Sucks

I Fathered Dave Grohl's Illegitimate Love Child, Featuring a House Pet Buffet

Portland Sucks

Complain here. Go on, you know you want to.

In which our hero endeavors to make sense of celebrity excuses, acquire a chicken sandwich slathered with hot mayonnaise, defends the right of every entrepreneur to create their creations, and laughs at what a loser the loser of last night's Presidential debate is.

Follow me on Threads + Instagram @SwedeTrap.

…I don't know if I should do this It might be a bad Omen to have a podcast today It's Wednesday September the eleventh, the year twenty twenty four September eleventh I didn't even realize that. Is it a bad thing to do stuff on September eleventh I always used to wonder that. Has it been long enough? You probably didn't even realize that. You just thought fuck it It's Wednesday What's the big deal Right September eleventh.
Never forget. I'm not even making fun of it And like you're thinking I'm making fun of it I'm actually not Like I just looked up to look at the date to say the date. Didn't even think of it Anyway Portland sucks Robert Wagner September eleventh, twenty twenty four not September eleventh I mean it's a real September eleventh but not the September eleventh It's a whole different September eleventh It's many years later. Um, but yeah Yeah Matters of national security though very front of mind after last night's presidential debate. Uh probably hopefully the last one I'll ever have to endure.
But um we'll get to that later Maybe I don't know I don't know Do do you will even wanna discuss it Is it really even worth discussing at this point? I'm already uh
wallowing a disappointment today because um…
all because of a fucking chicken sandwich. That's right. My life is so easy that it can be brought…to a screeching disappointing halt. Buy a chicken sandwich or lack thereof. In this case lack thereof.
True story. Um yeah right around lunchtime it's about three thirty four PM…on the uh Pacific West Coast, of the United States of America as I'm recording this. Um but yeah a couple hours ago I went for a chicken sandwich I I go for a walk every uh every couple of days. I'm about I don't know mile mile and a half away from, What's that place It's a new season's grocery store grocery store. And I like to walk down there to see if they have my chicken sandwich.
It's not my chicken sandwich They did they throw out these chicken sandwiches into the um the…little hot plate area you know the the food heater you know the I don't even know what they call that thing Like the hot food item area, you know where they have just like it's like a little hot pan and they stick the food out there It's like pretty much like AMPM gas station food only It's a new season so you pay like six times as much And it's like only marginally better. But they have a chicken sandwich I like a lot It's got some hot mayo on it because man if you're stopped up…
Nothing will get you going like some hot mayo Um but they're good They're actually really good I I actually enjoy them quite a bit I think they're probably not the best food you can have but it gets me out of the house You know it gets my legs moving You know when you get to be my age you know any excuse you can have to to get out of the house. So…
I used to do this thing as…
I walk down there I walk all the way down there and this is what I do Like I just go down there in the hopes that they'll have the chicken sandwich in…the past like couple months like they just don't have them anymore. In fact all of the little hot food trays are empty with the exception of these four on the far right of the hot food buffet It's not really a buffet It's kind of a buffet but it's not really a buffet. Um you can like, fill up this…like styrofoam thing You've been there probably And if you haven't you can fill up the styrofoam thing and it's like seventeen dollars a pound for mediocre like high school cafeteria food. And you can get like potatoes or mac and cheese or some gravy or some beans or this stuff that looks like vomit Like literally looks like vomit I'm not sure what it's supposed to be but it's kind of like green…and brown and lumpy. And you can mix and match.
In that case or they used to have the section that was like another five trays and there'd be like you know the chicken sandwich they'd have like I don't know corn dogs and a bunch of other weird shit like new seasons, fucking I don't know hemp, woven corn dogs I don't know what the fuck they were. But I liked the chicken sandwich. And so I would go down there I do go down there regularly, with the anticipation of maybe today will be the day. You know You cross your fingers. You put your shoes on.
You grab your keys you grab your phone, you lock your front door, you start on down the sidewalk…
with all the anticipation and wonder in the world…
And then fuck. They don't have it…
You settle for the pizza and the pizza's pretty shit when it comes right down to it I just I end up just settling for the pizza and it's funny because it it reminds me of like, like I don't know many many years ago. When I would do this thing I would I used to buy my drugs from um…
it takes a turn. Um I used to buy my drugs from this dude that lived all the way across town back when I lived in Seattle This is a pre Portland sucks This is back when Seattle sucked um which it still does But I used to buy my drugs from this guy that was like way across town and rather than call him because he was so far away you know you'd be like hard up You'd be like out Your stash was empty. And instead of calling him he'd like drive all the way out there Because he had a day job You know he had a life He had to you know support, well his own drug habit He didn't really have a family They left him Um that's a whole other story It doesn't matter None of them It's none of your business Right? But you drive all the way out there I would drive all the way out there. And just kinda hang out in the general neighborhood.
And you'd get out there And then you know you'd pre cell phone error or I did well it's not really pre cell phone error I just couldn't afford a cell phone because I had to buy drugs And I would you know start using pay phones. And I would you know I'd get over there and I'd call and the phone would ring the phone would ring ring ring ring ring no answer And I'd get my quarter back. Um
and then you'd like you know wait fifteen minutes find another pay phone ring ring ring no answer. And so you would have driven for an hour only to like aimlessly wander about the area the general neighborhood the vicinity for you know anywhere between like, I don't know fifteen minutes every once in a while Every blue moon you know he'd be there You know you'd you'd end up you know get lucky And he'd be like yeah hey come on over man and you'd be like cool sweet you know and you'd be right there. And he'd be like whoa you like in the neighborhood Because he knows you live a long ways away And he'd be like yeah I was just right around the corner It was just a random circumstance You totally lie You didn't wanna appear desperate even though you were…And he'd be like what were you in the neighborhood Yeah Uh I just uh had to come down to pick up some fasteners…and some paint. You know you just make shit up. And he'd be like oh okay Cool You know and you know you'd do your deal and you'd you know hang out for a few minutes watch some HBO and then leave.
And that would be fine. And then you know repeat every week or so every few days whatever you know whatever the interval was It didn't really matter. But um
every once in a while you'd be like three hours three hours later and you're just aimlessly wandering around this guy's neighborhood and you'd you'd end up like going to a local bar you'd like go to the Burger King you'd hit like the grocery store you'd like, stop by the toys r us and hang out and like I don't know like play fucking sonic the hedgehog you know fucking just killing time. I remember a couple times Fuck I was there for like forever Like for like six hours Like it'd be like eleven thirty at night And fuck you'd still be like calling this poor bastard you know fucking stick in a quarter in the fucking pay phone at the fucking seven eleven Ring and you're just like fuck. I drove all this fucking away That's how my chicken sandwich makes me feel And so all these people now are listening to this podcast going dude. You probably shouldn't be saying this. You know the LinkedIn crowd they're going dude You know You're like you're fucking killing any…possible…like you know employment proposition by talking about how you know used to buy drugs And I I don't say I don't fucking care This is back before this sort of thing was legal, you know.
but that's how I feel about the chicken sandwich You know like should I just start calling ahead? You know how fucking gross are you if you're like, hey, hey buddy you know ring ring new seasons How may I help you Yeah Can I speak to the Delhi department please? One moment. How may I direct your call Deli please Yeah I was just wondering if you have any of those you know hot mayo chicken sandwiches with extra pickles today…
Does anybody do that Like I don't know Like I need the exercise. I don't mind walking down there but It's it's really just it's it's a lot of disappointment. You know it's a few miles you know in total. Like I it's not like I don't need to get out Otherwise what I've left the house today probably not Probably not I don't really need anything else. You know I I got a slice of pepperoni pizza and it was really weird You never get those slices of pizza where like the the crust separates like a big air pocket ends up in there and you feel kinda ripped off because at some point you take a bite and it just kinda goes poof.
And like you realize there's just this huge cave of nothing in there, and you realize it's overly crispy because well it's nothing It's just like, air. And that's what this was. It wasn't particularly good I had a a little iced coffee Not that you didn't care about my lunch It was more just the the comparison and more the…I don't know What what what do you do You know what do you do? Like do you call ahead? What do you do It that was my morning That or not really my morning my my afternoon my lunch experience.
but the the reason I was thinking about all this was because I was um I'm a telegram user I don't know if you used the telegram app I use it quite a bit. Um to buy my drugs nowadays I don't really. Uh but I do use telegram because I I keep in touch with some people um you know friends, mostly. Friends drug dealers arms dealers you know…
people of of that nature but I use the telegram app to to keep in touch with friends overseas friends because it's a nice way of you know avoiding…the law not really. It's a nice way of avoiding charges and things like that not you know legal charges but…
long distance and and you know so forth. Um if you find that if you are cross platform like you know you have friends who are on iPhones and you probably have friends who are on Android phones and you have friends who have no phones or whatever. You know a lot of people use um WhatsApp, A lot of my friends use…
uh what I just say telegram. And I was reading about how the owner or the founder or whatever the inventor founder owner of CEO whatever of this telegram app was arrested by the French authorities…
Because they discovered that…most of the telegram users are a percentage not most a percentage of telegram users Telegram is really just WhatsApp or Apple Messenger I mean that's all it really is It's like it's not even really a social media platform per se It's really just a messaging platform. And they discover that um a certain percentage of people are exchanging, you know the they're you know partaking in illegal activity on this platform. Shocker right Like whoa. You know and and by illegal activity I mean you know there's people selling drugs on it There's people selling firearms on it Gun's illegally. There's you know people trading probably in various forms of pornography things like that Things that you know I don't even like to talk about because it kinda makes my stomach turn the whole child porn thing, um pedophilia whatnot…
Um but they arrested this guy. And they said you know we're arresting you because your platform is enabling these perverts and these violent offenders and these junkies…to exchange these things with one another. And he's like well but wait a minute Why why are you suing me Why are you gum coming after me? Why wouldn't she go after my company? And I said well you created it And so it's your fault.
And he's like that that makes no sense. And you know I'm like reading all these arguments because you know it's written by this supposedly, you know very, um enlightened journalistic…Outlet the New York Times And they have several articles about this You can read them if you want I don't recommend it because it's mostly dog shit, but they have several articles about it You know you can read one and it shows you these other ones that you can you may also want to read this And so I did because I'm sitting there eating pizza Right? And I'm thinking about drugs because you know the whole chicken sandwich thing is already you know weighing heavily in my mind and you know the the old you know drug days. And so I read all these articles and I'm thinking you know this makes absolutely no sense I agree with this guy I agree with this guy Regardless of the intent he may or may not have had we can't prove that That's up to him You know he just created a new messaging platform in this telegram app that I actually find very handy for keeping in touch with friends…
Regardless of what his intent was, it's fucking asinine, that we have so many people in government and law enforcement…
Globally I guess I thought this was I thought only I thought only you know we were it it was just the people in the United States government in the United States law enforcement who were dumb enough to think this way But apparently this is a global phenomenon that…
that the the knowledge of technology and the inability to see the proverbial forest through the trees was just I I just thought it was a US problem. But, yeah I agree with this guy I mean by this criteria, you know so okay case in point right? You are selling drugs. Okay And this app supposedly facilitates the sale of drugs Right And so then therefore, anybody, manufacturing a product or who has created a product of any type…that facilitates the sale of drugs should be what arrested…
or you know sued or both. Okay Well I'm gonna go back to you know the the drug dealing days not that I dealt drugs but you know my drug buying days. And you know if you've watched I don't know any episode of uh fucking CSI or you know any number of cop shows, Miami vice maybe. You'll know that um, a lot of drugs come in…sandwich baggies. So ziplock sandwich baggies.
Are we now going to arrest the inventor and or the the the companies that make and distribute sandwich bags? Because they are technically enabling the distribution of narcotics. You know we should arrest these people. Um, scales. I think another definite offender here because drugs are weighed on scales.
Um, you know drugs make it into the prison system by people weighing it putting it in sandwich baggies using lubricant and shoving it up their maybe we should sue all the lubricant…
Manufacturers. You know there's just you can you can take this to any weird stupid extreme you want but it's it's fucking asinine. Like, why is it so difficult to just go after drug dealers Like, Why are we here We'll just knock it out of the source It's like the most lazy law enforcement I could possibly think of. It's so lazy. Like, why would you go after this app Well this is where they're congregating Okay Well back in the day, It was the telephone you would like literally call your dealer like the pay phone Right Like I just got done saying I would insert a quarter into the seven eleven pay phone Are you then…I used to watch people at the same seven eleven calling respective dealers on the same pay phones.
Are you going to what? Sue AT and T are you gonna arrest those people Are you gonna shut down the seven eleven for having the pay phone I think AT and T probably made a deal with the property owners that had the seven eleven you know it's endless pretty soon Everybody's in prison or sued because you know no one's safe Everybody at some point contributed to the sale or use or, you know you enabled drug sales. At some point along the way No one is safe. It doesn't matter…
You could do this with anything You know same thing with guns. It's it's fucking weird Like well, you know let's let's blame the app Why not go after the people who are selling the drugs selling the guns selling the porn? You know But it there's there's been so many cases of, you know they used to um
if you go back and you look at the history of child pornography And I don't even wanna talk about child pornography because again that makes me want it it makes me ill and I just had a this really kinda…
not so great pizza. But people used to send child porn back and forth through the US mail Are you gonna shut down the fucking USPS mean you're gonna start arresting your mailman for distributing fucking child porn I mean he did technically He handed an envelope Are you gonna shut down the envelope manufacturers? You know what if tape was used Are you gonna shut down three m It's fucking stupid It's the same thing Like why are you going after some guy who made an app? He can't control what it's used for. You don't make something like this and automatically somehow magically just…Think of every human beings by our nature are so fucking disgusting that we will find ways to make…we'll bastardize everything We'll fuck everything up We'll find a way to ruin everything It doesn't matter how pure the intent was in the fear in in the first place We'll fuck it up.
Telegram is no exception. Any app is no exception. You know I I think you can make other exceptions in cases like you know Twitter You know so like Elon Musk goes and buys Twitter And because you know he's a fat moron who lacked attention and touch and you know cuddles when he was a baby and his daddy abused him or whatever that fucking story is you know clearly he's turded into a shit show that deliberately goes out of its way…
to be evil. Okay Yeah That's a little different I think we can we can definitely say now that is an exception to this rule. But…this app over here that people are just using to communicate back and forth. It's…that's stupid That's like you know if I have a can, And then I take another can and I tie a string between the two and I make a drug deal with my neighbor by using those two cans in that string. What are you gonna fucking you know you're gonna sue the guy that made the string in the cans Are you gonna arrest them That's fucking asinine It's stupid.
It makes no sense. But now if I control the messaging in the string and the two cans, and I deliberately put my own propaganda through them and I cause these you know I influence these people in extremely negative ways Well yeah you probably make a case that I'm a bad guy Sure. But that's it it's not apples to apples It's a whole different thing. So that's my uh that's my telegram thing It was just it was just kinda something that came up during my lunch hour I I find it very weird that we can just ruin…
anything. Like we could literally ruin anything It's no different than when I'm like you know I I love Instagram I love all the funny shit on Instagram There's this guy that like does all these these weird like fashion magazine poses You know like he's just a complete goof and I love him Like I can't think of his name right now I'd totally share it with you I'm sure you've seen it I'm like an older person So I see all this stuff like seven months before everybody's already found out it's cool because you know I'm late. But I love Instagram What I don't like on Instagram is every once in a while I'm scrolling through it and then it's like well there's a butthole Like how does a butthole make it on an Instagram? Like I you know and um am I telling Instagram I wanna see more butthole just because I scrolled past it? You know do I have to actively I shouldn't have to actively say I don't wanna see more butthole And then you know you tell friends, you know I saw a butthole on Instagram They're like no No You didn't.
Like what the fuck you mean No I did No Instagram would ever show you a butthole…
But I saw one I know what a butthole looks like No You didn't see a butthole It wasn't a butthole It was something else. Oh, okay. What was it then I don't know but it wasn't a butthole You tell me I don't know what a butthole is Know what I'm telling you is you think you saw a but you didn't because Instagram would never show you hole Mother fucker I saw a fucking butthole Okay I saw a butthole It was there It was a butthole It was a butthole And right in the middle of it was a hole That is a butthole. Nope That's not what it was. Like these are butthole deniers.
And I don't understand that Like the you're like defending a platform Are you invested in the platform No So what do you care? But I mean I saw a butthole Like I saw that You know Twitter got to be the same way. I I use uh well what's the uh the Instagram alternate threads I use threads now instead of Twitter It's not nearly as popular It's not near as hip but a lot of the grown ups have moved over to that I like it. I I don't like it as much because it's not as, I almost don't like it as much because it's not as controversial, but I do like it You know it's a good place to you know catch up with you know, your your virtual pretend friends And that's cool you know I I dig that But you know the the the porn is starting to, appear. You know you start to getting these followers.
You know you start saying oh hey look your your thread. It's not a tweet It's a thread on threads It's a tweet on Twitter or x or whatever. On thread it's a threads. On threads it's a thread brother That's difficult to wrap your head around. Um
but yeah you you get you know you'll wake up one morning and it'll be like hey man you have like a hundred and ninety eight likes or you know positive hearts or whatever the fuck it is and you'll be like oh that's weird. And you know now you have seventeen new followers and you look through and it's like nipple nipple nipple normal guy normal guy normal guy butthole nipple you know and you're like oh Jesus Christ Here they go. And you click through to these profiles just to make sure because you know it's a tiny little avatar that they and it's you know a tiny little phone and you're kinda like you know how do I know for sure Right You gotta be sure. And it's just like, whoa. I don't even know what that is.
And so you know you block you block you block you block you block you follow back you follow back you block you know and you just it's you're going through the whole thing again It's like I'm not sure what the incentive is for these people I don't know the um the weird porn modern porn business you know back in the day like you'd have a store. I guess and you'd sell videotapes or whatever. Video tapes still those and fuck uh
whatever. Um and amyl nitrate you know those are those weird little bottles of that stuff We used to call it sniffy. Again I'm fucking up my my future employment prospects by talking about this stuff I really don't care. But um, yeah anyhow…
What is…the angle with that stuff Like why create these fake like…
hypersexualized…young…Japanese fake…female profiles…in an effort to get me to follow them back What is the point of that What are you ultimately gonna try and sell me Are you gonna try and sell me some teamu shit? You know What what what is the point? Are are are you gonna sell me something? I assume it's something like that Are you gonna try and like blackmail me with what? You know?
Are you gonna try and mail me some some porn? Get me on telegram sell me some drugs and guns What what is the point of it I I've never gone down the rabbit hole of it. I mean I feel like I should like email Pete Townson and go hey dude You know I know you were checking this stuff out and investigating this for the betterment of the entire world Would you find out I am curious though Like if the New York Times really wants to figure some things out like if the French government really wants to figure some shit out figure that out. Like figure out what is the point of this stuff rather than going after this guy who made this app that all of these…
assholes are abusing. Go after the assholes…because I'd be thrilled to find out what the point of being an asshole was. You know, not the point of what was the point of this guy making this app I know what the point was He wanted to make an alternate messaging app. It was really very simple. My mission, make alternate messaging app Why I don't like the current messaging apps What will it be on Motorola phones How will it work Well You will type your message and you will hit send And then someone will receive it read it and reply back to you And where will you find it in the app stores And how will you install it You'll hit install.
Oh well what could be simpler? What could go wrong Well people could start trading kitty porn Well what could the the negative outcome be Well they could come after me for what other people do Why would they do that Who knows But yet here we are. It's fucking weird. People come after him though. It's I don't know.
I don't know I just ugh…
It's a very strange, strange phenomenon…because it it's like an accountability issue you know Like, we we wanna hold…the wrong people accountable for the things that we do wrong. And then when somebody is clearly accountable for something we don't wanna admit that they're accountable for it Like um like Dave Groll like we just came out that Dave Groll has this…
illegitimate child from this woman that you know we don't know who she is or whatever. And it turns out like he's already like discussed this matter with an attorney before he even came out with it before he told anybody he's like oh shit I have this kid you know I I fucked around and I found out and so I had to consult an attorney before I even told my wife before I even told my you know I think he has like an adult daughter and like a couple others that are like coming up on adult age or whatever So like that household's gonna suck for a while He better move out. And then like you know you you go you have all these people like making excuses for him It's like he literally comes out and says fuck I'm a scumbag. Please give us you know give us some privacy in this time of me already having it pretty shitty. You think you have a shitty fuck you dude But you know I'm no fan of Dave Girl Like I don't I don't fucking care Right Like I'm not a FOfighter's guy I I really liked their first song and then I just really didn't care about them after that I just I just don't like the guy Like I don't care.
just not my kind of music It's like canned rock and roll to me If you like it great That's that's cool you know whatever. But it's funny like you listen to women or you read like the responses of women about this and they will like go out of their way to make excuses for the guy It's like but you don't understand. He lost his mom this year and he lost his best friend. It's just like, uh man you know what I was sitting there I'm like I really stopped and thought about this Like How do you know? Fuck…
I like thinking about the past year or so of my life man I've lost uh I found out that like, three of my best friends…
in my life have died…
And yep, fucking around just was not something that ever crossed my mind I don't know You know? I I don't know Like I just I I'm never sitting around going yeah Fuck you know? God my my best friend. My fucking mentor man you know the guy who acted as my big brother during the probably the most formative this is absolutely true I'm not even like making this up During the most formative years of my life the guy who acted as the big brother I never had. Fucking killed himself like blew his head off.
yep They're urged to fuck some but fuck some stranger. Just never ever fucking crossed my mind Like I Well I don't know You know And I get it You know I'm maybe I'm just different Maybe it's just I'm just wired differently. But like how is that gonna make anything better? You know my mom died I I don't remember thinking, well gosh mom died. Man I sure need to bang a stranger right now.
You know? Like I'm not making that connection. You know he just felt vulnerable…
Okay. It's what what a weird excuse to make for somebody? What a weird excuse Never mind the fact though that you…know here's a guy who like you know has a history of this How do I know this Well it's just a known thing Like if you've ever read an issue of Rolling Stone magazine you'll know that Well Dave Groll you know he's had a first wife Well why'd he lose his first wife Well he told a sob story once about how well you know I just couldn't keep my dick in my pants you know back in those early tours and you know Pat in the band you know he left the band for a while because that was his that was one of his friends was my wife and you know who fast forward to today And well it's still going on. But even weirder, even weirder is the male response to this. The male response to this is…Yeah But dude look at it from his perspective.
You know? He's on the road a lot. And he gets lonely. Like, what the fuck really? Then why ever get married in the first place?
You know why why even bother? Why have a family Why have these three daughters or whatever he has Why get married in the first place Well you know so you have something to come home to Well if you don't fucking love these people why do it in the first place I I'm missing something. So the males will excuse it for one stupid reason The females will excuse it for another stupid reason And really at the end of the day what what are you doing this for It's because you're a foo fighters fan You don't have the balls to just go you know what I just like the foo fighters fucking music. And I don't give a fuck what this guy does. You know it's really no different than like I remember, you know like the whole Clinton blowjob thing At the end of the day it was like I don't know man was Clinton's president Bill Clinton?
I don't…
wake up in the middle of the night and wonder if nuclear annihilation is right around the corner It just never crossed my mind It was really the first time in my life I don't know how you feel if you're of you know around my age and you know came up in that era If you were in the Reagan era or the the the first George Bush era. You know you practiced…all these drills for your inevitable annihilation by nuclear warhead. Fast forward to Bill Clinton Boom That never happened. You know, Clinton…equaled relative safety from World War three. You know and a lot of things happen A lot of things transpired to make that happen Yes You know the wall fell down.
The USSR cease to exist Yes But well I think a lot of us myself included or definitely I did, equated that with Bill Clinton And so when you tell me the guy had a blowjob you're like, Okay. That sucks. And if I'm his wife I'd probably you know, kick him in the nuts and divorce him Yeah Fuck that guy And if I'm his daughter yeah I'd probably never talk to him again But at the end of the day I don't fucking care. I don't care. You know he's still the president.
I don't fucking care…
And I was thinking about this as it relates to most pop culture things like I don't care. You know is he is he is he is he eating puppies You know is he eating house pets Like they were discussing in this presidential debate. That's enough where yeah I'd probably stop spending money on the stuff. But you know I just for the most part I really I just don't care You know if it's harming somebody…
yeah, harming somebody you know outsiders outside that family unit Yeah. If it's causing his wife to cry and second guess her decisions, no That's just not enough for me I don't really care I mean does it mean he's a scumbag Oh yeah Absolutely. But I kinda felt that way in the first place I never really listened to his music though so it really didn't matter to me. But it's okay for you as a fan to go you know what I just really like their music I don't give a shit what he did That's okay You can say that You don't have to make a fucking ludicrous fucking excuse for the guy It's no different than like, Uh couple years back I actually bought Ted Nugent tickets and I don't care what you think about it I really don't I know Ted Nugent is a bottom feeding piece of crap I know he is the lowest form of life on the face of the fucking planet absolutely why I bought a ticket because I knew nobody else was going to I knew it was thirteen dollars I knew that ultimately he was gonna make absolutely fucking nothing or negative money off my ticket purchase. I knew he was going to…
I wanted to see it to sit there and laugh and hear cat scratch fever. I wanted to hear stranglehold because those are the songs I heard growing up that my aunts and uncles listened to and I thought that music was cool man. It was stupid It was shit And it was awesome. And it's still there's I I like those songs I don't give a damn I don't care what you think about it I don't have to justify it. Do I like Ted Nugent No He's a fucking moron.
I hate him I hate everything he represents i hate every stupid word that comes out of his mouth But more than that I hate the fact that everybody keeps giving him an attention because the only thing worse than Ted Nugent is the fucking press that keeps talking about what Ted Nugent says rather than just going. And here is another double shot of ten Nugent, and then kicking off Wang dang sweet poonang. Which is a terrible song. But it's of an era, and you can't just forget it ever happened. Maybe you want to That's up to you I prefer to remember that that shit existed Why So that we can see how far we fucking come…
Why not Why not revel in how far we've come It's of a time Remember that time you don't have to like it It's okay to hate it It's fine, but it existed. You know? Yeah…
Clearly. Clearly…
Rock stars haven't changed a fucking bit. Okay. But yeah. I don't know. I don't know…
But yeah presidential debates man I turned that shit on two three minutes late. And that was something Man that was something. I just don't know what to say I missed the first one I I saw the highlights of which there were really none…
of the the Biden one I'm I'm a huge Joe Biden fan I'll make no apologies for it I really like the guy I think he really means well. Um, do I think he should have been president again No Not really…
I enjoyed the fact that he was president now, you know not just because it meant that Trump lost or any of that shit I just you know, I think he's an old out of touch guy that always had his heart in the right place and you know I'm grateful for that. But, man it was really awesome to watch a fucking woman hand that dick head his ass on a stage Like it was awesome. Just to reduce him to a bigger, dumber, blithering idiot than he already is was just some Wasn't it I enjoyed it I don't even care if I lose listeners. Like I can't imagine if you're listening to scrap you actually like support that guy anyway but know if you did fuck you Don't listen anymore It's okay. Um, yeah that was good times But it's funny like people will excuse him.
People will go yeah Well you know…
the moderators were out to get him And how can you say that How can you say the moderators were out to get him He's literally talking about people killing babies Like you know, what they do is they it's a they perform abortions after after the babies are born Well I got news for you Shithead. It's not an abortion if the baby's already been born. That's murder at that point and um you know they're they're actually not doing that Like I just like does nobody tell this guy not to say this shit Like I get it I get why he says this stuff at rallies. Because you know the Ted nugent's…prep those people…for the idiocy and that he can go and like you know just follow-up and deliver it Right? Totally makes sense.
But like on national television, Like you you pull that stuff out? The the the weird Haitian fucking puppy kitty buffet You pull that out That's that's weird man. That's just stupid Like how do you how do you justify that? Like you know it's not true. You know it's not true And you can't just say well I read it somewhere.
You can't…
because that…doesn't fly on national television You can say that in front of like, a group of you know five hundred idiots that drove three hours from their trailer park to come and see you You can say that You can say that to them. You probably shouldn't, but you can. Okay But you can't say it on national television. You just can't because even the die hard wackadoodles in like Uber conservative pockets of fuck I don't know Colorado. Right?
That are in your corner. They're not gonna listen to that and go wait a minute Your proof is is you think you read that somewhere…
That no…
There's haitians, Hations Why haitians? Oh I got a racist fuck are you anyway. I don't even understand that Like why…I read it somewhere. Okay. Oh man.
It was just classic though Like it was I could not stop laughing I was in tears at one point I was laughing so hard. Uh, so good So good. Like you couldn't have scripted it better. Uh…
But yeah it was it was enjoyable thing Like it like it really was a a a great, great day for for…
I'm having a bite moment…
A Joe moment. Um, it was a great day for democracy, I think. Um but you know…
as uh as is popular to say around this household…
I'll believe…
she'll be president when I see it. That's how I mean because you know we've been down this road before. You know you you can't You can't just take it for granted You can't just assume…anything. And that's the sad and sorry truth of the whole thing. Uh,
Tomorrow is another day. There won't be another podcast…
But wish me luck. I am gonna check and see if there's a chicken sandwich. Until then be sure and like and subscribe, tell your friends leave a positive review…
And uh, I don't know. Have a good rest of your week

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